Monday 12 December 2011

famous artists ideas and concepts

Edvard Munch:

Edvard munch came up with ideas through emotional pain (of anxiety, emotional suffering, and human vulnerability)."Munch intended for his intense colors, semi-abstraction and mysterious, often open-ended themes to function as symbols of universal significance". I cant use this to come up with ideas because i don't have any emotional pain but i like the style intense colours and semi-abstraction.  

Andy Warhol: 

Andy warhol got his ideas simply from imagination and his love for american pop culture. I don't particularly like pop art its not my style but i cant really use that to help me because he had a vivid imagination. 

Gustav Klimt:  

Most of Gustav Klimt's art is of women.He had numerous affairs during his lifetime, even though he already had companion. He had a total of 14 kids, and not all from the same women. Fortunately for him though, this never came out during his lifetime, and he was able to avoid public scandals. I don't think i cant use this because my project has to be a 20 second animation and cant really use women. 

Edward Hopper:
"Painting did not come easily to Edward Hopper. Each canvas represented a long, morose gestation spent in solitary thought. There were no sweeping brushstrokes from a fevered hand, no electrifying eurekas. He considered, discarded and pared down ideas for months before he squeezed even a drop of paint onto his palette". So ideas didn't come easy to Edward Hooper he just took his time to think, i cant use this technique because this is a college project i am doing and i haven't got that much time. 
American painter and critic Guy Pène du Bois, once wrote that "Hopper told me...that it had taken him years to bring himself into the painting of a cloud in the sky"  

dave devrise:   

Dave devrise has came up with the brilliant idea of taking drawings of what children have done and making them more realistic because a child's imagination is amazing. I really like this technique i will love to try it out, i think it will be a very good project to look into. Dave Devrise said I project a child’s drawing with an opaque projector, faithfully tracing each line. Applying a combination of logic and instinct, I then paint the image as realistically as I can".  


David Whitlam:
David Whitlam is a surrealist artist. His work basically begins with pencil drawings, created straight from his imagination using a technique known as automatic drawing which is spontaneous and largely unconscious sketches produced in a trance-like state. These ‘automatic’ images are then gradually refined and developed, eventually becoming digital image or oil paintings.   

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