Tuesday 6 March 2012

Visual language exercises

Here is a ying-yang symbol i created on illustrator. During this task i was agitated because its very complicated to make but the instructions made it more simple.

Here is a space experiment made in Illustrator. Even though it seems like an easy task i found it difficult because I'm not used to illustrator and its a lot different than photoshop.

This is four different colour cubes that i made using illustrator. This task i found hard because making the cubes take a lot of patience but it was interesting. I don't like the colours or background i chosen because i think i could have been more creative and chosen more interesting colours.

This is a colour wheel i made using photoshop. I found this task quite easy but it was a good learning experience on the colour wheel.

This is my bird eating prey creation on illustration. I found this task quite enjoyable because it is my first go on illustration without instructions and i felt it was a task where i can be creative. I do like me picture because of the colours of the cartoon art style.

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