Tuesday 6 March 2012


This is an example of regular rhythm         

This is an example of progressive rhythm

this is a example of flowing rhythm    

This is my own creation of progressive rhythm

Visual language exercises

Here is a ying-yang symbol i created on illustrator. During this task i was agitated because its very complicated to make but the instructions made it more simple.

Here is a space experiment made in Illustrator. Even though it seems like an easy task i found it difficult because I'm not used to illustrator and its a lot different than photoshop.

This is four different colour cubes that i made using illustrator. This task i found hard because making the cubes take a lot of patience but it was interesting. I don't like the colours or background i chosen because i think i could have been more creative and chosen more interesting colours.

This is a colour wheel i made using photoshop. I found this task quite easy but it was a good learning experience on the colour wheel.

This is my bird eating prey creation on illustration. I found this task quite enjoyable because it is my first go on illustration without instructions and i felt it was a task where i can be creative. I do like me picture because of the colours of the cartoon art style.

Monday 12 December 2011

famous artists ideas and concepts

Edvard Munch:

Edvard munch came up with ideas through emotional pain (of anxiety, emotional suffering, and human vulnerability)."Munch intended for his intense colors, semi-abstraction and mysterious, often open-ended themes to function as symbols of universal significance". I cant use this to come up with ideas because i don't have any emotional pain but i like the style intense colours and semi-abstraction.  

Andy Warhol: 

Andy warhol got his ideas simply from imagination and his love for american pop culture. I don't particularly like pop art its not my style but i cant really use that to help me because he had a vivid imagination. 

Gustav Klimt:  

Most of Gustav Klimt's art is of women.He had numerous affairs during his lifetime, even though he already had companion. He had a total of 14 kids, and not all from the same women. Fortunately for him though, this never came out during his lifetime, and he was able to avoid public scandals. I don't think i cant use this because my project has to be a 20 second animation and cant really use women. 

Edward Hopper:
"Painting did not come easily to Edward Hopper. Each canvas represented a long, morose gestation spent in solitary thought. There were no sweeping brushstrokes from a fevered hand, no electrifying eurekas. He considered, discarded and pared down ideas for months before he squeezed even a drop of paint onto his palette". So ideas didn't come easy to Edward Hooper he just took his time to think, i cant use this technique because this is a college project i am doing and i haven't got that much time. 
American painter and critic Guy Pène du Bois, once wrote that "Hopper told me...that it had taken him years to bring himself into the painting of a cloud in the sky"  

dave devrise:   

Dave devrise has came up with the brilliant idea of taking drawings of what children have done and making them more realistic because a child's imagination is amazing. I really like this technique i will love to try it out, i think it will be a very good project to look into. Dave Devrise said I project a child’s drawing with an opaque projector, faithfully tracing each line. Applying a combination of logic and instinct, I then paint the image as realistically as I can".  


David Whitlam:
David Whitlam is a surrealist artist. His work basically begins with pencil drawings, created straight from his imagination using a technique known as automatic drawing which is spontaneous and largely unconscious sketches produced in a trance-like state. These ‘automatic’ images are then gradually refined and developed, eventually becoming digital image or oil paintings.   

Monday 21 November 2011

presentation design task

Today the task was to come up with an idea through windows 9, but the idea had to convince people to stop going on the same sites all the time(Facebook, YouTube etc) and look at less popular ones; but also link to the physical world.

I personally found this task very difficult, i didn't really understand the brief properly but enough to get on with it. My idea was good but i lacked on linking it to the physical world. I have learnt to try and concentrate and bring out my overactive imagination. I think that the way to address this problem is to focus more and stop panicking about the future(presentation).

I think that the point of this task was to help us on our presentation skills and coming up with ideas. But also developing my writing and talking skills for presentations and thinking about what I'm going to say before hand.

Monday 7 November 2011

interactive design

Historical art:                   

literal meaning:  The literal meaning of this image is that its an roman tower.
hidden meaning: The hidden meaning of this image is that the building is still being built.
how does it make me feel: This picture makes me feel happy because the people the built it must have a sense of accomplishment.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image :This picture must be in Rome.

 literal meaning: The literal meaning of this image is that it is of men on horses shooting.
hidden meaning:The hidden meaning of this image is that they must be at war and be shooting people chasing after them and being shot at.
how does it make me feel:This image makes me feel intrigued because this image makes me wonder what happens next.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image :I think this was set in ruffly 1911

literal meaning: The literal meaning of this image is that its Romans fighting each other in a stadium.
hidden meaning:The hidden meaning of this image is that there seems to be a number or citizens fighting to soldiers with armour and swords.
how does it make me feel: This image makes me feel sad because the citizens are probably being forced to fight for there lives with the odds against them.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image :This was set in Rome.

literal meaning:the literal meaning is that there are a number of people with guns watching a boy paint a poster.
hidden meaning: protesting
 how does it make me feel: this makes me sad because there is a civil war going on
The social, historical or cultural context of the image : 1862

literal meaning:Battle of the Crater, Peters burg, Virginia
hidden meaning: not sure
how does it make me feel:sad because its war
The social, historical or cultural context of the image :Peters burg, Virginia July 30th, 1864


literal meaning: war aeroplane.
hidden meaning: the man may be flying over a peaceful place but hes on his way to war.
how does it make me feel: sad because if he has a son or daughter they may never see him again.
The social, historical or cultural context of the image : 1939-1945   



literal meaning: a naked man hanging out the window

hidden meaning: A woman was cheating on her husband but he came home and the man she was cheating with her, hangs out the window naked.

 how does it make me feel: this picture amuses me because the husband cant see the the guy hanging out the window.
 The social, historical or cultural context of the image :not sure  
literal meaning: police man searching little girls basket    
hidden meaning: no one trusts anyone anymore 
how does it make me feel: sad because its true no one trusts anyone anymore these days 
The social, historical or cultural context of the image : there is none    

literal meaning: frankin stein and son  
hidden meaning: there is none  
how does it make me feel: unhappy because they look unhappy  
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: don't know   
literal meaning: elderly person spitting out teeth  
hidden meaning: none   
how it makes me feel: the picture amuses me because of the facial expression   
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: there is none

literal meaning:
ice cream monster
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: good because it looks well drawn
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure     
literal meaning: gangster pandas 
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: this amuses me because of the art style
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: there is none   

Art work:
literal meaning: a headquarters in middle of jungle
hidden meaning:not sure 
how does it make me feel: jealous because of how good the artwork is  
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: i don't know  
Creative Photos Artworks      
literal meaning: orange with mouth
hidden meaning: not sure
how does it make me feel: amused because the orange has a mouth
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure 
literal meaning: realistic angry birds
hidden meaning: characters from an app
how does it make me feel: depressed because of the dark colours and facial expressions
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure 
literal meaning: king Kong
hidden meaning: they're frightened
how does it make me feel: anxious because i want to know what they're looking at
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure 

literal meaning: sword in the middle of forest
hidden meaning: legend of Zelda sword
how does it make me feel: calm
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: don't know 
literal meaning: human with rabbit head
hidden meaning: not sure
how does it make me feel: confused because i don't understand the context
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: don't know    

Good examples of design:
literal meaning: design of a bridge
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: intrigued to see what it would look like in real life
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure   
Building Design  
literal meaning: design of villa
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: jealous because i want the house
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: don't know 
literal meaning:
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: intrigued
interior design pictures  
literal meaning: interior design
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: jealous
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: don't know
literal meaning: coke can design
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: annoyed that they're not real designs
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: don't know
literal meaning: futuristic watch design
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: anxious for it to be invented
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: don't know   

literal meaning: ipod advertisement
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: anxious to buy it
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: music 
literal meaning: penguin stolen mans ice cold coke
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: amused
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure
literal meaning: meerkat
hidden meaning: compare the market.com and compare the meerkat.com are different
how does it make me feel:  amused
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure 
literal meaning: deer made out of rubbish
hidden meaning: rubbish can be recycled. nature cannot
how does it make me feel: sad
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure 
literal meaning: cigarette next to life line
hidden meaning: smoking kills
how does it make me feel: sad
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: don't know  
literal meaning: coke and Pepsi can
hidden meaning: Pepsi beats coke
how does it make me feel: amused
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: don't know       

Scientific Images or Optical illusions:  
literal meaning: ground, clouds and earth
hidden meaning: not sure
how does it make me feel: amazed
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: don't know  
literal meaning: illusion of to men on horse crossed with portrait of man
hidden meaning: not sure
how does it make me feel: surprised
The social, historical or cultural context of the image:
not sure  
literal meaning: number of hands creating illusion of man
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: amazed
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure 
literal meaning: picture of old man

hidden meaning: flipped upside down is a young princess
how does it make me feel: intrigued
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure 
literal meaning: optical illusion of beer bottle sticking out side of lorry
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: intrigued
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: none  
literal meaning: optical illusion of woman with basket over head 
hidden meaning: also looks like skull
how does it make me feel: surprised
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: don't know  

Interactive media:  

literal meaning: graphic design of room
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: intrigued
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: don't know

literal meaning:
hidden meaning:
how does it make me feel:
The social, historical or cultural context of the image:   
literal meaning:
hidden meaning:
how does it make me feel:
The social, historical or cultural context of the image:    
literal meaning: hand coming out of computer shaking other hand
hidden meaning: none
how does it make me feel: confused

The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure  
literal meaning: man with glasses putting hand up
hidden meaning: glasses are 3D
how does it make me feel: intrigued
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure 
literal meaning: man reaching out to football hologram

hidden meaning:
how does it make me feel: fascinated
The social, historical or cultural context of the image: not sure